Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Palomo_Art Activity 2

Activity 2

Q After reading the textbook chapters and watching the lectures for this week, contemplate what you have learned about the Art & Architecture of China. Think about one artwork or piece of architecture that you have read about which has stood out to you. Then create an artwork that reflects/is inspired by your chosen artwork/architecture. It may be a drawing, collage, painting, sculpture, graphic design, photography etc. Your artwork does not have to be an exact re-creation of your inspirational work. It may simply be a concept or idea that is reflected in your art work. In a WORD document write a short (half page) artist’s statement of your work. Your statement should describe the following: • Why you chose the inspirational artwork that you did • What artistic elements really stood out to you • What were the materials used • The meaning/purpose behind the artwork • The artistic style/form etc. • Discuss the things you have changed in your own artwork and the things that you tried to re-create • 2 pictures inserted on the document (one of your chosen/inspirational artwork/architecture and one of your own created artwork) Submit your paper with the following file name: YourLastName_ArtActivity2

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For this assignment, I have chosen the artwork called “Auspicious Cranes” by Emperor Hizong. It was created using ink and colors on silk during the Northern Song period. I always felt very fascinated by the beauty of nature and what better than living cranes when talking about artworks. This particular image grabbed my attention because of the accurate movement of the cranes that has been presented by the artist through ink and colors. Although I have tried hard to recreate the exact artwork but the differences are still evident. There are less number of cranes in my artwork and also I have changed the position and postures of some others. I have deliberately colored the sky blue and the rest of the painting dull because I wanted to highlight the blue sky and the liberty found in it.